AKC Gold Grand Champion "Kane"
"GCHG NBOB Bur_Way Time 2 Raise some Kane RATS DS AS".
~First AHT to win breed at Westminster.
~First AHT to win The National Best Of Breed in the AHT Nationals.
~ First AHT to compete in NADD Air Retrieve.
~Number one AHT in NADD Air Retrieve and NADD Distance Diving.
~He has more Terrier Group Placements than any other in his breed.
~Multi AKC Group placing and Group winning AHT
Kane was the Number one AHT All Breed and Breed Grand Champion in AKC for two years and then his son Kai took those spots.

AKC Gold Grand Champion "Kai"
" GCHG NBOB Floridays New Tide Risin @ Rip It Up DS AS".
~Westminster Best of Breed winner.
~Royal Canin Nationals Best Of Breed winner.
~National Best Of Breed at the AHT Nationals,
~High ranking NADD Distance diving dog and has qualified and earned the invite for NADD Eukanuba Distance diving and NADD Eukanuba Air Retrieve for 2 years in a row.
~Kai has won countless Terrier Specialties.
~Kai is a AKC multi Group placing AHT.
AKC Show Breeder American Hairless Terrier
American Hairless Terrier Puppies
Top American Hairless Terriers

GCHB " Rip it Up " Kash "
Kash has just started producing and is making top quality American Hairless Puppies.
AKC Show Breeder American Hairless Terrier
American Hairless Terrier Puppies
Top American Hairless Terriers

" Kin "
I Kin is our queen. She is the mother to many Champions and Grand Champions including our GCHG " Kane" GCHB Kash, as well as our beauty GCH " Kayla. She truly is the most amazing girl and we love her to the moon and back
AKC Show Breeder American Hairless Terrier
American Hairless Terrier Puppies
Top American Hairless Terriers

" AKC Grand Champion Kayla"
An amazing girl. We are so proud of her, she became a AKC grand champion before she was 13 months of age. She is the daughter of our "QUEEN" Kin.
AKC Show Breeder American Hairless Terrier
American Hairless Terrier Puppies
Top American Hairless Terriers